

找实习或工作本身就是一项工作. 你的搜索将是有效的 if you have a goal in mind, stay organized, incorporate a variety of methods, and 跟进. 

Consider your options, apply to postings, and actively seek out your own opportunities. We recommend using a combination of search tactics; you never know which one will 让你被录用. 记住这些建议,让你的搜索继续下去! 



要积极主动! 瞄准组织并直接接近他们. 他们可能有实习和事业 opportunities that they are not advertising right now, or you may be able to develop 你自己的机会.

  • 探索该行业的相关组织.
  • Find opportunities to connect with these organizations of 感兴趣s; do they have 实习项目或其他社区拓展项目? 


Consider where you want to be; do you want to be near home? 东北? 在任何地方? 可以 你的谈判?  你想在政府部门工作吗(比如联邦、州、县)? 非营利性的? 私营部门? 或者这有关系吗?? 

记住要保持开放和灵活. 不要把找工作的范围缩得太窄,这样会错过很多机会. 试着考虑一下 the merits of each opportunity before you react to its location and don’t let concerns 关于住房,限制你的求职范围. 

是灵活的. Be willing to move and work in a different geographic location than you had planned; consider doing a different kind of work or working in a different industry other than what you believe would be ideal; if necessary, consider a lower starting salary than 你所希望的,至少一开始是这样. 

考虑“热点”地理区域. Review articles to identify areas with the most potential 为你r field. 阅读新闻 from that area, use the web to identify employers/opportunities geographi呼叫y. 



查看我们的 人际关系网和LinkedIn页面 了解更多信息和技巧



建立自己的品牌! 确保你有一份最新的主简历作为参考.  一定 to tailor all resumes and cover letters based on the positions you are applying for. Have 职业服务 review them; perhaps there is room for improvement, especially 当你从学生过渡到毕业生. 我们也鼓励你更新你的LinkedIn, so you have a positive online presence; employers often do searches of potential candidates. 

  • Explore a variety of options and carefully evaluate the opportunities you find so you can pursue an internship or job that will provide you with the best experience.
  • 有很多不同的招聘公告板可以看. 考虑设置 打开每个平台的搜索提示.  

保持组织! Keep track of all the internships and jobs you find/are 感兴趣ed in via a spreadsheet. 确保你知道截止日期. 

适用于多个组织. 实习和工作都很有竞争力. 给自己最好的成功机会. 

握手: 握手是我们的招聘数据库. 如果你还没有使用它-利用它 现在使用@mottosac.com凭证.  



Prepare and review your resume (schedule an appointment on 握手 or send a copy 对careers@mottosac.com). 带上多份复印件去参加活动. 

准备一次“电梯演讲” (short summary about yourself, to open a conversation with employers, including your name, major, year in school, relevant credentials, career goals (or job roles of 感兴趣 ex. (项目经理,工程师)30秒- 2分钟)  

准备好提问. Memorizing a few general questions helps a lot, then practice saying questions out 大声.  

密切关注事件 scheduled by 职业服务 designed to practice and/or prepare; we want to see 你成功了!

  • Review the list of employers before the fair and pick several that 感兴趣 you; you only need to know if they conduct work that is of 感兴趣 to you or have positions 那可能很合适.
  • Leading up to the Fairs, 职业服务 will send targeted emails to students in each department listing employers that indicate they are 感兴趣ed in recruiting 在学习领域的学生. 

跟进 你在招聘会上认识的雇主! 发一封简短的感谢邮件 关于你在交易会上和他们讨论的事情.



保持乐观和坚持. Inquire about each of your applications within a few days with an email or phone 呼叫.  

要积极主动. 把自己定位为“最想得到这份工作”的候选人。. 最大的一个 weaknesses to a job search is being passive – make it easy for a potential employer 要与你建立联系,你必须付出努力. 雇主会对求职者做出回应 who make the extra effort to write follow-up thank you notes and continue to reconfirm 感兴趣. 

跟进 所有你的申请正在处理的公司. 如果一家公司有你的简历, 如果你还没有收到他们的消息,给他们打个电话或发封电子邮件. 如果你有 interviewed with a company, touch base 与他们 to check your status and offer to 回答他们的任何问题.



积极思考. Devote time to your job search; strategize, plan, set goals, and keep good records. 


假装. 即使你不是很自信,表现出自信也是很重要的 积极的态度. 在说服别人之前,先相信自己是这份工作的最佳人选 你是其他人. 为面试做好准备. 准备工作将会减轻 缓解你的紧张,你会显得更加放松和自信. 

不要放弃. Everyone knows that the economy is not great right now — but that doesn’t mean that 你应该推迟找工作,直到情况好转. 工作就在那里,你只要 需要更灵活,更努力地工作才能得到一个. 

Know 职业服务 is on your side; schedule an appointment with us (in-person or 为你量身定制的技巧,以加强你的求职策略.  



一些例子可以在 人际关系网和LinkedIn页面. We also recommend you talk with faculty, professionals in the field, and do your 自己的研究.  



Career changes are very common in today’s world, due to economic changes, company 裁员和人们只是决定改变职业. 事实上,部门 of Labor statistics show that the average person makes 4 to 6 career changes and 12 在他/她的一生中换了15份工作. 这是很大的变化!

It’s important to do a good self-assessment and a lot of research before making a 改变,使过渡尽可能顺利. 换工作可能是一个非常 这是你职业生涯中激动人心的时刻! 它提供了新的挑战和机会 发展和培养你的技能. 它可以帮助你在财务和工作上取得进展 你的长期目标. 


  • 寻求更多的经济回报.
  • 你目前的工作缺乏挑战.
  • 没有提升技能的机会.
  • 你所在领域的失业率很高,或者工作机会有限.
  • 在你目前的工作中一直缺乏成功.
  • 一个有意改变你生活和事业的计划.
  • Retirement or change due to work/life balance issues and stress concerns.
  • 把爱好变成职业.
  • 对现在的工作不满意.
  • 随着技术的发展,职位逐渐消失. 


Something to consider when changing jobs is whether you need or want more or additional 为职业发展而进行的教育或培训. 你的教育目标可以从 short training workshops or seminars, to self-study, self-paced certificate programs, online certification programs, or even taking time away from a job to complete an 额外的程度. 


  • 如果可能的话,离职时尽量保持良好的关系.
  • Write up your main responsibilities and the status of all projects to update your 管理并协助工作交接.
  • Reconcile company credit cards/expense accounts that your company has been paying 为你.
  • Return any company property that you have in your possession, such as a laptop computer, 手机或数码相机. 确保设备的归还有记录 这样你离开后就不会被收费了.
  • 考虑你的医疗保健需求,包括医疗和牙科保险. 确保 你有你和你家人需要的保险.
  • 检查你的人寿保险,短期和长期的残疾需求.
  • 想想你的退休计划. 你是否在实现退休目标的轨道上? Some experts suggest that you will need 70% to 80% of your pre-退休 income during 退休. Work with a legal professional or a financial planner to make the appropriate 为您的需求制定计划. 


  • Take a look at your internal and external barriers and think about how you will deal 与他们
  • 确定你的支持系统
  • Establish goals, action plans, and a timeline to accomplish your career change.
  • Determine what you need and are looking for in an employer, a company and a work environment
  • Talk with professionals who currently work in the field that you are 感兴趣ed in. These informational interviews will help you assess this career field for the local region and give you a clearer understanding of the pros and cons of the job.
  • 加入专业组织. 保持在你所在领域的领先地位,了解最新的信息 通过行业期刊、专业出版物和网站. 网络和制造 你所在领域的人脉.
  • 让改变发生! 从兼职工作、志愿者工作、工作见习开始, 从事特殊项目、合同工作等. 或者如果你做了足够的研究 准备好冒险了,去吧!
  • Prepare yourself for a time of transition, even after you have made the change. It 会在情感和精神上都有挑战吗. 给它时间和耐心!