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Faculty Profile
Theodore Endreny

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Theodore  Endreny


Department of Environmental Resources Engineering
426 Baker Lab

Research, Service, Teaching & Advising



我们的研究目标是开发用于恢复自然资源和提供生态系统服务的软件工具, 从而改善人类福祉和生物多样性. We lead development of the i-Tree tools research suite.  

我们解决的问题涉及自然和发达环境中的树木和地形:1)与水的相互作用, energy, and biogeochemical cycles, 2) improve sustainability and reduce pollution, 3) assist in mitigation of, and adaptation to, climate disruption, 4)在土地利用规划软件中体现,以提高社区参与, 5)可以带来一个公正和公平的世界.

我们的工作任务包括多学科合作, literature and data synthesis, conceptual model building, algorithm and software development, and software dissemination. 我们建模的问题包括流域恢复, nature-based stormwater management, urban heat island mitigation, river thermal cooling, and building energy conservation.

Publications and CV at: Google Scholar | SciProfile | ORCID | Web of Science | Scopus | Research Gate | 网赌平台 Experts

Recent & illustrative publications are below:

  1. Endreny, T. A. (2024). "Mapping inequities in green cooling services". Nature Cities, doi:10.1038/s44284-024-00080-2.

  2. Li, Z., Mendoza, A., Abad, J. D., Endreny, T. A., Han, B., Carrisoza, E., & Dominguez, R. (2023). "曲流颈部截止点的高分辨率建模:实验室和野外尺度". Frontiers in Earth Science, 11. doi:10.3389/feart.2023.1208782

  3. Zhang, L., Endreny, T. A., & Stephan, E. A. (2023). "漫射径流磷负荷年变化的随机输出系数模型". Journal of Hydrology, 620, 129447. doi:

  4. Teron, L., & Endreny, T. (2023). "气候、社会正义和基础设施政策的融合使林业能够为城市降温。”. 城市环境与规划[j] .地理科学进展,26 (7),393 - 398. doi:10.1177/23998083231195189

  5. Sinha, P., Coville, R. C., Hirabayashi, S., Lim, B., Endreny, T. A., & Nowak, D. J. (2022). "在美国,由于树木覆盖,与热有关的死亡率降低的估计存在差异.S. cities". Journal of Environmental Management, 301, 113751. doi:

  6. Sinha, P., Coville, R. C., Hirabayashi, S., Lim, B., Endreny, T. A., & Nowak, D. J. (2021). "模拟城市树木覆盖从极端高温中拯救的生命." Ecological Modelling, 449, 109553. doi:

  7. Endreny, T.A. (2020). Editorial "河流和流域恢复系统方法中使用的杠杆点." Special Issue: 河流与流域恢复的系统方法. Water 12(9), 2606;

  8. Endreny, T., C. Avignone-Rossa, and R.A. Nastro (2020). "利用城市绿色基础设施微生物燃料电池发电." Journal of Cleaner Production,

  9. Endreny, T., F. Sica and D. Nowak (2020). "全球城市的树木覆盖分布不均匀, with lowest levels near highway pollution sources." Frontiers in Sustainable Cities 2(16). doi:10.3389/frsc.2020.00016

  10. Kruegler, J., J. Gomez-Velez, L. K. Lautz and T. A. Endreny (2020). "动态蒸散发改变了内河区的潜流和停留时间." Water 12(2). doi:10.3390/w12020424

  11. Endreny, T. A. (2018). "战略性地发展城市森林将改善我们的世界." Nature Communications 9(1): 1160, doi:10.1038/s41467-018-03622-0. Part of Forests of the Anthropocene Collection.

  12. Endreny, T.A., R. Santagata*, A. Perna, C. De Stefano, R.F. Rallo, and S. Ulgiati, (2017). "实施和管理城市森林:增加生态系统服务和城市福祉的一项急需的保护战略." Ecological Modeling, Vol. 360, 328-335, doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.07.016. Recipient of Elsevier Atlas Award | Atlas BoardInterview


Heatwave mitigation and river restoration: NYS DEC Heat Wave Study | NPR WAER UHI | ABC Albany UHI | Current Cast Technology Out on a Limb for Clean Water & Trees as Stormwater Managers | NPR Academic Minute Making Rivers Swimmable, Fishable, Drinkable | Environmental Monitor In-Channel Restoration Structures | Scientia Eradicating Water Pollution Across the Globe | Review for Bullfrog Films, Reflection: A walk with water

Urban forest valuation: Christian Science MonitorCity LabUS News & World ReportCBS NewsReuters, Science Daily,  Physics.orgAnthropoceneYale Environment 360Financial Tribune, Nursery Management, Economic Times of IndiaMongaBay | Urban forest futures: Wall Street Journal Vertical Forest Jobs for Tomorrow 


专业:纽约州州长北部防洪工作组|食物罐学术工作组|旧金山河口研究所健康流域和弹性湾地技术咨询委员会| 网赌平台代表 促进水文科学大学联合会. | National Academy of Engineering Grand Challenges Scholars Program (GCSP)新项目委员会| AGU水与社会委员会|成立与原临时管理委员会 UNESCO's Hydrology for Environment, Life & Policy |编辑:Nature Partner Journal npj编辑委员会 Urban Sustainability and Hydrological Processes Wiley | Advisory Board for International Journal of River Basin Management Taylor and Francis | Former Peace Corps Volunteer, Trujillo Honduras

College: 网赌平台 NAE GCSP 主任|前ERE评估协调员|前ERE系主任|前ERE研究生协调员|前ERE本科生协调员|水文系统科学委员会前主任| 网赌平台 Clubs Engineers Without Borders and Engineers for a Sustainable Society 社团|曾任环境资源工程俱乐部、人居环境俱乐部顾问 

Sabbaticals: Nature-based Solutions Scholar at CNR IRET 2023年,意大利波拉诺|富布赖特学者和杰出主席  University of Parthenope in Naples, Italy & Visiting Fulbright Scholar in Portugal and Greece 2016 |富布赖特学者,塞浦路斯大学,尼科西亚,2006 

Developer: i-Tree Research SuiteFluvial Geomorphology Training Modules 美国州立大学大气研究公司|美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA) 2000 - 2016年每日天气观测员,用于合作的博彩平台网赌平台站308386, and established SUNY 网赌平台 Weather | GI Calculator 

奖项和荣誉:与Paramita Sinha共同获得i-Tree创新奖, 市林业员协会|爱思唯尔生态建模阿特拉斯奖|美国环境科学协会纽约i-Tree Hydro管理创新奖|环境科学杰出主席, 帕特诺普大学|博彩平台校长国际化奖| IEEE全球人道主义工程奖入围者 | Societies: Sigma Xi Scientific Research, Phi Kappa Phi, Alpha Epsilon Agricultural Engineering Society, Xi Sigma Pi Forestry, Gamma Sigma Delta荣誉协会| EWB俱乐部顾问, 网赌平台年度学生组织|杰出教师奖, 网赌平台本科生协会| NASA研究生研究项目学者| EPA环境监测与评估项目学者

Advising and Teaching

研究生和本科生的指导和教学. Observations archived as blogger for EREngineering 鉴于网赌平台的研究和应用重点,以下链接对您有所帮助: 有效的学习策略或如何在考试中取得最好的成绩 | Guide to Writing Proposal | Guide to Writing Manuscript Sections | Guide to Empirical Writing | Guide to Perfectly Putrid Posters | Guide to Peer Review | Caution of a Sting on Peer Review | Ethics on Peer Review | Guide to Submitting a Manuscript |  Modeling and humility | Strategies for finding research time

河流形式和过程(ERE 412, ERE612),秋季学期. 每周有两个小时的讲座和三个小时的实验. 提出了河流分类的理论,并利用现场收集的数据进行了验证. 用分类的河流形态和建议的演化序列来讨论控制河流的过程. 计算河流水力学用于估算输沙量, 并采用一种设计序列来考虑通道的稳定性和恢复问题.

i-Tree Tools Practicum (ERE 564), Fall semester. Three hours of lecture per week. 使用i-Tree工具完成城市森林清单, an assessment of associated ecosystem services, and designs for improved sustainability. 森林数据是从实地考察和遥感或存档产品中获得的. 生态系统服务涉及过滤空气污染, sequestering carbon dioxide, managing stormwater with green infrastructure, mitigating the urban heat island, and improving building energy use efficiency

Meteorology (FOR 338, FOR 538), Spring semester. Three hours of lecture/discussion per week. 介绍大气物理过程对理解地球表面和宏观的天气和天气预报很重要, synoptic-, meso-, and micro-climates.

Prior courses: Engineering Hydrology and Hydraulics with laboratory; i-Tree Tools Practicum; Humanitarian Engineering for Development Workers; Ecological Engineering in the Tropics with 9 day field study; Ecological Engineering for Urban Sustainability Undergraduate Course and Urban River Basin Modeling PhD Course for Parthenope University in Naples, Italy; Humanitarian Engineering for Development Workers; Appropriate Technologies in the Developing World; Hydrometeorology; Introduction to Environmental Resources Engineering with Site Visits; Graduate Research Methods; Pollutant Fate & Transport; Floodplain and River Hydrology; Watershed Modeling; Meteorology; Engineering Response to Climate Change; Urban and Rural Hydrology; Nonpoint Source Monitoring & Modeling; Fluvial Geomorphology Seminar; Forestry Seminar; Introduction to Environmental Science; Hydrology and Biogeochemistry Seminar.



North Carolina State University, MS in Soil and Water Engineering, with Environmental Protection Agency Fellowship, Raleigh, NC

Princeton University, PhD in Water Resources Engineering, 获得美国国家航空航天局奖学金, Princeton, NJ

执照:Professional Engineer 079912 New York, 7月2日起, 2002; Professional Hydrologist 1559 from 2002

Current Graduate Advisees

Mohammadreza AzimiMohammadreza Azimi

  • Degree Sought: PHD
  • Graduate Advisor(s): Endreny
  • Area of Study: Environmental Resources Engin

Li ZhangLi Zhang

  • Degree Sought: PHD
  • Graduate Advisor(s): Endreny
  • Area of Study: ESC Water & Wetland Resource Studies

Web Link

Former Students

Abigail Jock, M.P.S. 2023 -奥农达加县水环境保护| Aimee Clinkhammer, M.S. 2023 -纽约州环境保护部手指湖中心| Abigail Beckman, M.P.S. 2022 - Ecological Restoration | Scott Wolcott, Ph.D. 2022 -罗彻斯特理工学院教授| Francisco Sica,访问博士.D. 意大利罗马萨皮恩扎大学2019级学生| Reza Abdi,博士.D. 2019 -博士后Terri Hogue,科罗拉多矿业学院| Ron May, M.P.S. 2019 -奥农达加县水土保持| Brenna Mosher, M.P.S. 2019 -水资源工程| James Kruegler, M.S. 2018 -纽约环境保护部| Ivo Martone,访问博士.D. 意大利那不勒斯费德里科二世大学2018级学生| Ryan Morrison, M.P.S. 2017 - NYC Parks | Emily Stephan, Ph.D. 2017 - NOAA纽约办事处| Ethan Bodnaruk, DNF博士.D. 2016 - co-Advised with Dr. C Kroll, converted to M.S. Degree | Kaitlin Fellow, M.P.S. 2016 -水资源管理| Maria Laura Gonzalez, M.S., 2016 -阿根廷水资源工程顾问| Yong (Peter) Seuk Kwon, M.P.S., 2016 -韩国水利工程| Remo Santagata,访问博士.D. 意大利那不勒斯帕特诺普大学2016级学生| Mirian Calderon, M.S. 2015 -阿根廷生态系统恢复| Andrea Fortman, M.S. 2015 -水资源工程咨询| Harini Kadambi, M.P.S. 2015 -沼气生产与能源系统工程| Angela Stires, M.S. 2015 -生态与水资源工程咨询| Kritika Thapa, M.S. 2015 -水资源工程咨询| Brenden Wagner, ABT 2015 -河流修复与湿地资源研究|晁沛, M.P.S., 2014 -水与湿地资源研究,波士顿| Hanh Chu, M.S. 2013 -环境专业人士,春田,MA |杨洋,Ph ..D. 2013 -风险管理解决方案内陆洪水模型开发|乔·贝克尔,M.S. 2012 - Guy Carpenter洪水风险管理| Mike Fay, M.S. 2012 - Water Resources Engineer & Laboratory Flume Consulting | Bangshuai Han, Ph.D. 2012 -波尔州立大学副教授|杰西·罗宾逊,硕士.S. 2012 -美国肯塔基州路易斯维尔大学流研究所|周田,博士.D. 2012 -太平洋西北国家实验室陆地系统建模| Dave Eichorn, M.S. 2011 - Meteorologist | Bethany Jeffords, M.P.S. 2011 -环境顾问| Melody Scalfone, m.s.P.S. 2011 - Attorney at Law, Environmental | Kyle Thomas, ABD 2011 - Principal, Natural Systems Engineering, Syracuse, NY | Shriya Kulkarni, M.P.S. 2010 - CSR Consultant, Godrej and Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd | Jamie Ong Leong, M.P.S. 2009 - GPES和Maxwell学校- Hazen Sawyer Engineers | Mark Fabian, M.S., 2009 - Watershed Engineer | Shan Khan, M.P.S. 2009年-纽约废水咨询公司,现为秘鲁和平队志愿者/ Nana Imbeah Amponsah, M.S. 2008 - External Relations and Operations Manager, 加纳非洲数学科学研究所| Jill Crispell, M.S. 2008 -咨询工程师锚在新泽西州QEA,现在纽约地球科学教师|约兰德Munzimi, M.P.S. 2007 -刚果民主共和国政府官员| Virginia Collins Williams, A.B.D. 2007 - Science Teacher | Michael Chimaliza, M.P.S. 2006 -马拉维政府水利部|杰西卡·布莱克,硕士.S. 2005 -建筑工程师,Arcadis | Emera bridge, A.B.T. 2005 - Anthropologist | Amanda Davis, M.P.S. 2005 -机构修复项目在MA |玛格丽特·索尔曼,M.S. (w/ Jim Hassett) 2005 - Waterhed NGO Management | Rachel Bonczyk, M.P.S. 2004 -研究与发展,密西西比大学药学院| Megan McCone, M.P.S. 2004 -国家环境保护部|托德·麦克唐纳,硕士.P.S. 2004年-科瓦利斯咨询河流科学家/工程师| Tim Riley, M.S. 2004 -咨询科学家/工程师| Janet Tordisillas, M.P.S. 2004 -菲律宾政府水务局|王军,博士.D. 2004 -美国垦务局流域建模| Jon Duncan, m.s.S., M.P.A. 2003 -宾夕法尼亚州立大学助理教授| Juliaty Sopacua, M.S. 2003 - consulting | Steve Wolosoff, M.P.S. 2003 - CDM顾问科学家/工程师| Bryan Bancroft, M.P.S. 2002 - Consulting forester | Darin DeKoskie, M.S. 2002 - Bureau of Engineering, Design & Construction, NYC DEP | Tom Pavlesich, M.P.S. 2002 -林业咨询| Chris Somerlot, M.S. 2002 - Senior Engineer at Brown and Caldwell.

Research Links

Urban Heat Island (UHI) mapping temperature: NOAA | e360NPR | Shandas Portland | Shandas Baltimore, Richmond, DC | Global Surface UHI Explorer | InVEST | Migration | NUCFAC Maps

Office: Portal | Mail