


The 2020 纽约绿色建筑会议 will be held virtually, through a series of 9月14日这周的网络研讨会. 每个网络研讨会将于中午至1:00举行 PM. 详情请参阅以下议程.

Anyone already registered for the 大规模木材研讨会 will receive access to the webinars, but will be prompted to log into the registration site to select which webinars 他们选择参加. Participants will be emailed the Zoom login information prior 每个网络研讨会的开始. Please see the Registration section below for more details.

The symposium will build capacity in the NYS AEC community to design and deliver all 这种新方法提供的潜力.









Sustainable Forestry for Renewable Materials Storing Carbon (批准1人).0 .我想说的是。

凯瑟琳Fernholz, Dovetail Partners


大量木材作为市场优势 (批准1人).0 PDH和1.0 .我想说的是。



Why does prefabricated timber construction fit the bill for a sustainable future? (批准1人).0 PDH和1.0 .我想说的是。



Mass timber residence halls in the Northeast using regionally appropriate materials 和方法 (批准1人).0 PDH和1.(1) (1)

波西斯里克瑞克 Associates
乔迪·史密斯·安德森, DASNY
吉姆D 'AloisioKlepper, Hahn & 凯悦


木材的过去,现在和未来 (批准1人).0 .我想说的是。

奥利弗冰原, Ramboll UK



乔迪·史密斯·安德森, Director of 可持续性 Programs, DASNY

Jodi is the Director of 可持续性 DASNY的项目, a lifetime member of NESEA, 过去的地区和国家的联合国.S. 绿色建筑委员会委员,妻子,母亲, 徒步旅行者、皮划艇运动员、编织者和讲故事者. 她是2018年NYSGBC的获得者 绿色建筑倡导者奖.

保罗Crovella, Assistant Professor in Sustainable 资源 Management,阳光明媚

While studying engineering and architecture in college, Paul spent a summer working as timber framer and developed a strong interest in the strength and structural performance 木结构建筑. 他的Ph值.D. research developed a non-destructive method for assessing 细木工的结构特点. 在来养之前,Paul是教师 at the University of Puerto Rico and Morrisville State College. Paul现在帮助 deliver coursework in sustainable construction and construction management and is leading a team of researchers at the college in mass timber.

Jim D'AloisioKlepper, Hahn & 凯悦 & 乔迪·史密斯·安德森,DASNY

吉姆是Klepper的总经理,哈恩 & 凯悦,拥有30多年的酒店管理经验 咨询结构工程师. He has experience in Insulated Concrete Forms, Structural Insulated Panels, and Frost-Protected Shallow Foundations. 乔迪的可持续发展主管 DASNY的项目. Previously she was a practicing architect at various firms. 她 是《博彩平台》的特约作者. 她被授予2018年绿色建筑奖 在去年的会议上担任国际家庭年的倡导者. 吉姆和乔迪都在 USGBC NY Upstate Chapter as board members, chairs, and various other positions. 这两个 写过几篇关于可持续发展的文章吗.

凯瑟琳Fernholz, Dovetail Partners总裁兼首席执行官

Kathryn (Katie) Fernholz is a dynamic and compelling expert on environmental concerns 和可持续性. 她 brings a unique combination of both a broad understanding of the complex interconnection between society and the environment, and the experience of her own personal journey from a family organic farm to being a leader and international 负责任的森林管理专家. 凯瑟琳是一名训练有素的护林员 在森林部门有23年的经验. 她的职业生涯一直专注于可持续发展 concerns, including leadership on projects addressing small-holder and family forestry, community-based decision making, supply-chain assurances, and standard setting. 她 is an experienced lead auditor for forest certification assessments having served on audit teams for industrial, Tribal, public, and family forest lands. 凯瑟琳是 currently Chair for the board of trustees for the American Forest Foundation.


结构工程师,10年以上工作经验. 交叉层压木材(CLT)专家. 模块化结构(DFMA). 数字化技术的应用. 国际 演讲者.

波西斯里克瑞克 Associates的总裁兼校长

波西斯C. 里克,Ph值.D. has 35 years of experience in higher education planning. In 1991, she founded 瑞克 Associates, which focuses on college and university master planning, space optimization, instructional space utilization, space programming, 战略项目的一致性. 计划不仅仅是为了确保有 enough space, but about having the right kind of space to achieve strategic goals. Dr. 瑞克 is a long-time member of the Society for College and University Planning and has held a number of regional and national posts in the Association. Dr. 瑞克 has also written and spoken on generational students and how they are influencing 高等教育空间需求. 她有博士学位。.D. 高等教育管理 康涅狄格大学.


埃文Reidel is part of the Building Innovations group at Sidewalk Labs. 后 spent several years building thousands of excruciatingly similar units in Toronto it became clear that the current construction practices were unsustainable and inefficient. Modular construction became an obvious and attractive alternative. 为了做出贡献 to the future of this new construction methodology Evan pursued a Dual MBA and Master of Structural Engineering at the University of Western Ontario, and completed a thesis for Sidewalk Labs on a strategy for modularization of structural and building Systems 在高大的木结构建筑的中心. 他在Sidewalk Labs的继续工作是专注的 on the constructability of its modular building strategy.

When Evan is not dreaming of large wooden buildings, he can be found planning his next remote adventure, most recently road tripping across Bulgaria, exploring the 中国大城市和秘鲁安第斯山脉徒步旅行.

马克·瑞瓦德, Regional Director, Woodworks – Wood Products Council

Marc is a licensed Structural and Professional Engineer in the State of California, and received his BS in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of 马萨诸塞州的阿默斯特分校. Prior to joining WoodWorks, he was a Senior Structural Engineer in California with 13 years of experience primarily involving seismic design and analysis 新的和现有的建筑. Marc has experience providing structural calculations, plans, specifications and construction administration services for a wide variety of projects including public schools and libraries, churches, state park facilities, multi-family and single family custom homes, universities, commercial and retail buildings, NASA operational facilities, and military housing and operational facilities.