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职业服务 为 校友

通常情况下,求职信会成为你简历的附件 applying 为 internships and jobs. Spend time understanding the purpose of the Cover 信和你应该包括什么,以确保你的申请脱颖而出 other candidates.

Purpose of a Cover Letter

突出经历——求职信要随简历一起寄给公司 为 a specific position or area of interest. The well-written cover letter highlights 你背景中最适合雇主需要的部分. 封面 信件在你的技能和工作之间架起了桥梁(或者“建立了联系”) experience and the qualifications of the position.

吸引注意力——一封写得好的求职信能吸引读者的注意力. It 激发人们对你和你的简历的兴趣,同时也反映出你的兴趣和适合度 within the job and 组织.

要求面试——获得面试的机会是你求职的最终目的 letter and resume.

Cover Letter vs. Letter of Interest

兴趣推荐信与求职信非常相似,主要区别在于 你发送一封求职信来回应现有的招聘启事和一封意向书 如果有你想要提供的公司、职位、服务等等. that you are interested in but there is no specific opening 为 the role. A letter of interest (also called 如果你正在询问可能的事情,也可以使用询问或勘探信 开口. 把你的信写给一个具体的人,通常是你的上司 the functional area where you’d like to work. Be as specific as possible about the type of position that interests you. Ideally, your research will reveal the job titles used by this employer. If not, use generic job titles commonly understood in the field.

What Goes in a Cover Letter?

一封写得好的求职信应该和你的简历或申请一起出现. 它的 目的是在你的简历中介绍你并扩展你的经历. 一个好的掩护 信:

  • 包括你为什么想为雇主工作的具体信息
  • Exemplify clear and concise writing skills
  • Demonstrate your knowledge of the position
  • 将你的经验与雇主所要求的条件结合起来
  • Make your points succinctly; every point should support your readiness to contribute

Writing a Cover Letter

Know the employer

调查一下雇主所在的组织,看看你的经验、技能和能力如何 满足其需求. In your cover letter, show why you are a good fit. Send the letter to a specific person whenever possible; otherwise, use “Dear Hiring Representative(s):”

Analyze the job description

仔细审查工作职责和资格,然后设计你的封面 letter to match these as much as possible. Sometimes job listings are vague. 在这些 案例,从你的类似工作经验中推断出你的技能和能力 might be required or research similar positions online.

Analyze your background

想想你的背景与工作职责和资格的关系. 问问自己:“我做过什么与这份工作要求相似的事情??“考虑 所修课程,课堂项目,工作经验,暑期工作,实习,志愿者 experience, extracurricular involvement, and travel. Be sure to indicate in the first paragraph what position you’re seeking. If a specific person recommended you 为 or 提醒你这个职位,在前面写上他们的名字和头衔.

Breakdown of a Cover Letter

你的开头段落说明了你写作的原因和你从哪里了解到的 the position or if someone referred you. When referring to the position, use the title used by the employer. If someone referred you and no specific title is known, be as 尽可能具体说明你所申请的职位类型. 做一些 对该公司进行调查,这样你就可以表明你对该公司的真正兴趣 雇主和为什么它适合你,而不是它将如何帮助你. (这 paragraph 应该用3-4句话来说明:你申请的是什么,你在哪里遇到的 机会,你为什么对这个职位感兴趣,以及你为什么感兴趣 in the company/组织).

你的中间段落应该突出证明你的相关性的例子 经验,背景,和/或课程将告诉读者为什么她/他应该 consider you as a candidate. Be sure to connect your experiences and/or education to the position description. By using examples, show the employer that you have the necessary experience they seek. (这 paragraph should be 5-6 sentences. 它总是 最好突出一个能够证明雇主正在寻找的2-3项技能的例子 为. 这段话应该向雇主解释为什么你的技能适合你.)

你应该在另一段文字中详细说明你的经验 or connect your background with the position. Consider what is not represented within 你的简历,但适用/相关的工作和/或组织. 另外,记住 这样读者就会把你的信看作是你写作技巧的一个例子. (这 paragraph should be 5-6 sentences. This paragraph should focus on personality fit. 问问你自己,你是谁,你是如何工作的,你对什么充满激情, 等. 这不仅能让你胜任这份工作,还能让你成为这份工作的理想人选.)

在求职信的最后一段,重申你对该职位的兴趣,感谢雇主 供他/她考虑,并提供你的网赌平台——包括电子邮件和电话. (这 paragraph should be about 3-4 sentences. If the employer requests additional in为mation – i.e. salary requirements, start date, 等. – to be included in the cover letter, this is where you can include that in your cover letter.)

Cover Letter Checklist

_____地址 in为mation and date
_____ Employer/hiring manager contact in为mation
_____ Name of Hiring Manager
_____ Company name
_____亲爱的先生./女士./Ms./Dr. 姓名:

First Paragraph:
_____ Position of interest
_____ How you found position
_____ Why you are interested in position
_____ Why you are interested in the company/组织

Second Paragraph:
_____ 2-3 experiences
_____ Skills learned
_____ Position title
_____ Relatable to position of interest
_____ How do these experiences make you a great candidate?
_____ Illustrate your enthusiasm
_____Connect your experience to description

Third Paragraph:
_____ Summarize skills and personal traits you will bring
_____考虑一下简历中没有体现但适用于工作和/或的内容 组织

_____ Express interest in discussing position further
_____ Thank 为 their time and consideration
_____ Restate contact phone number and email address
_____ End with closing: Sincerely, Thank You, 等.
_____签名:电子签名,通过邮件发送,实际签名 如果邮寄出去

____ Proofread 为 typos and accuracy of contact in为mation

Applications via the Web or Email

许多工作申请都要求通过电子邮件或通过公司提交简历 网站. 根据应用说明,有几种应用方法 通过电子邮件.

  • 把电子邮件正文当成正式的求职信,并附上附件 简历(建议你以PDF格式提交).
  • 你也可以在邮件正文和附件中放置一份文本版本的简历 一个格式化的版本,作为附件或链接到在线版本.
  • Always fill in the subject line. Flag your message with a succinct, in为mative header "Applicant 为 (job title)." Some job postings specify what to use in the subject line, such as the job title or a reference number.
  • 创建一个标准签名,自动附加到您的商务电子邮件中. 包括你的全名,头衔或专业(如果你是学生),电话号码,地址.
  • 及时回复邮件,尤其是时间紧迫的面试请求.
  • Always respond to emails in professional, business language.
  • Use spell check, and proof-read all your correspondence.

部分灵感来自:雪城大学就业服务中心,康奈尔大学就业服务中心, UC Berkeley Career Center, and RIT 职业服务